As a nationally recognized group of kitchen remodeling contractors, we have handled projects across the US in Southlake, Keller 76248 and all of DFW
Kitchen remodeling tips: Laminates and Veneer flooring: Laminated and veneered, or hybrid, wood flooring is less expensive than solid wood and has become very popular over the last few years. Easy to install, flexible and reasonably durable, any such manufactured floor will provide a non-slip kitchen surface which will need just a wipe over with a damp mop to stay clean. Hybrids are topped with the thinnest layer of real wood, whereas laminates are simply photographic imitations of the real thing with a core material of cork, composition wood, or board, and thus are more comparable to vinyl than to their natural counterpart. If you do choose a laminated or veneered floor, get as tough a one as you can and make sure it is suitable for heavy-wear areas. And watch out for water spills: damp can cause the top layer of such flooring to lift. Be aware, too, that once this type of flooring has been damaged, it is not easily repaired. Our kitchen remodelers in 76248 are here to assist with all your renovation questions. Contact us today for more info.